

“I have no time to meditate.”

You’re not alone. But, you can be more mindful throughout your day to increase present moment awareness. These ‘meditative moments’ can increase calm and boost happiness. We’re happiest when we’re fully engaged in whatever we’re doing. But, a Harvard University study shows that as much as half the time, we’re thinking about something other than what we’re doing, and we’re unhappy.

5 Ways to Be More Mindful

Being mindful simply means paying attention to what’s present in this moment. For example, rather than getting ‘lost in thoughts’, you notice that your mind is thinking. You can tune in to other senses: notice what you’re hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling—anything occurring in the moment. As you practice consciously, you’ll find that you’re present more often and spend less time absorbed by repetitive thoughts. Here are 5 easy ways to practice mindfulness during the day.

  1. Your morning shower. Let the shower be a “mindful zone”. Step in and notice the floor’s temperature on your bare feet. Feel the sensation of water against your skin, noting feelings of what you like or don’t like as the temperature changes. As you shampoo your hair, savor the pleasure of a scalp massage, releasing tensions. Deeply breathe in moistened air. Avoid getting lost in thoughts. Keep bringing your attention back to the variety of sensory stimulants.

  2. Your first sip of coffee. Savor the ritual of your first morning coffee. Notice aromas before you sip. When you take a drink, fully taste it. Notice the temperature and what flavors come to mind—bitter, toasty, fruity. Perhaps, try different blends on different days to stimulate your palate. Notice the feeling of gaining more clarity as you fully awaken.

  3. Daily gratitude. Pause and share appreciation for someone with either a text or chat. Making time to notice and express gratitude to the people that you appreciate lifts your mood and theirs! This mindful moment creates a contagious upward spiral of positive energy.

  4. Your first steps outdoors. Notice those first few steps you take outside. What do you sense first? Is it the light’s brightness? The shock of temperature—cold or hot? The change in moisture from indoors to outside? The variety of sounds—nature and/or machinery? Or, the change in the textures under your feet? Make a point to consciously observe the sensations you experience when you first move from inside to outside.

  5. Mindful listening. Select one conversation to practice mindful listening. Instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next when someone is speaking, pause and fully allow what they’re communicating to sink in. Before responding, notice how it felt to hear what was said. Reflect back a few words to ensure that you understood what you heard. This complete mindful attention you give to any other person with whom you speak will make a genuine difference in your interaction.


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I'm Shirley and I'm passionate about helping you live a happier, healthier life. Learn more…

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Learn more about why mindfulness and meditation contribute to more present awareness and more happiness.

In this 9 minute video, I explain evidence-based reasons for why people who meditate feel happier.

This 2-minute podcast introduces you to the practice of observing your thoughts to help you learn how to notice your thoughts without getting caught up in “the story” of what you’re thinking.

Learn how to observe thoughts WITHOUT reacting or getting caught up can help you, particularly if you tend to replay the same types of thoughts in your head over and over. What do I mean by that? Let's say you tend to replay a negative experience - making a bad experience last much longer. That habit doesn't help you. Learn how to observe through meditation to reveal these mental habits--like replaying bad experiences, worrying about future events, analyzing and self-judging past behavior. Meditation practices like this can help you gain insight into these habits so you can let go of what doesn't serve or help you. This simple 2 minute guided meditation on thoughts can help anyone who wants a 2 minute guided meditation to increase awareness of thoughts and habits of mind. It can also be for those who say, "I've never meditated before." I guide you through this short easy guided meditation with mindful meditation cues. You can also use this exercise to launch your own continued meditation after I finish guiding the introduction This short easy guided meditation offers a refreshing break as well as insight into your habits and yes, you can have mental habits as well as physical habits. Increasing awareness of your thoughts reveals those mental habits that may not serve you, that may heighten anxious feelings or that may perpetuate negative feelings. Use this exercise to bring more presence, loving awareness and acceptance into your life. Mindfulness reduces feelings of anxiety and stress, as you spend less time lost in worries about the future or upsetting past memories. Learn to let go of bothersome thoughts with this mindfulness guided meditation. Learn to stop worrying about things that have NOT happened. You have everything you need to survive whatever experience that you are going through--in fact, you probably already have survived through many challenging experience. Trust your STRENGTH, not your fears. I wish this for you in your life's journey. For your free e-guide, The Power of the Pause, click here: bit.ly/2vAvtMS As an integrative health leader, blogger and mindful meditation teacher, I post new videos each week featuring mindful and natural ways for you to reclaim your health and live a full vibrant, happy life. Live younger 365. You can do this! Please leave comments or requests for tips to help you with your biggest challenges to reach your wellness and happiness goals. Email me at shirley@shirleyarcher.com Follow me here too: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shirleyarcher/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/shirleyarcher Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/shirley_arc... Tumblr: http://shirleyarcher.tumblr.com/ Facebook: http://www.shirleyarcher.com/facebook

Visit my YouTube channel to subscribe for more tips. Have you downloaded Your Path to Peace? Go from stressed and anxious to calm and at ease in 5 simple steps. If this post helped you, please share with friends now, by using the buttons below. Thanks!

Shirley Archer


Shirley Archer is a mindful health educator, award-winning trainer and best-selling author who helps busy women who want to look and feel younger, healthier, happier—naturally. Through blogs, articles, books and podcasts, she’s here to eliminate overwhelm and inspire women to bring more peace into their lives, so they can meet all their responsibilities and still make self-care a priority.

After working as a high-powered attorney in both New York City and Washington D.C., a bout with chronic fatigue syndrome inspired Shirley to dedicated herself to wellness and sharing better health with those around her. Since leaving Wall St., Shirley has authored 12 books on fitness and wellness, and has achieved certification in mindful modalities including yoga, Pilates and meditation. In addition to being an award-winning personal trainer, she is also a certified Spinning instructor and group fitness instructor.

When she’s not blissed out in zen, you can find Shirley hiking with her beloved German Shepherd, Cheyenne either in the Swiss Alps or in sunny California, speaking at fitness conferences worldwide, and being featured in various high-profile media including USA Today, Washington Post, Fitness, Shape and cnn.com. For Shirley’s latest musings on mindfulness, visit her site at www.shirleyarcher.com


